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Thursday Bulletin – November 9, 2023

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Thursday Bulletin – November 9, 2023

November 9, 2023

Executive Director’s Message
Richard Pearson

On the legal front, the ISRA and NSSF cases that were before the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals will be appealed to the Supreme Court as soon as all the preparation is done. There are certain things that have to be done before the Supreme Court will accept the case. We are working on that NOW!  

The U.S. Supreme Court has accepted the Rahimi Case out of the 5th Circuit in Texas. This case deals with the limits that can be opposed on domestic abusers. This case will be important with regard to Red Flag Laws and Clear and Present Danger Situations. We look forward to the resolution of this case.

Winter Weather Preparedness Week Starts Monday in Illinois.  As most of us know, winter driving can be dangerous and even deadly when not prepared.  While on the road, always make sure to have a full tank of gas in the winter.  Sharing travel plans when driving during winter storms with family or friends is a good idea.  You should winterize your vehicle and check up-to-date road conditions, and the forecast.

Prepare by assembling a winter emergency kit for your vehicle and avoid driving when road conditions could deteriorate.

If you are carrying a firearm in your car, or on your person, make sure it is secured and accessible, just in case some miscreant wants to take advantage of you in your situation!

150,000 Israelis Apply for Gun Permits After Hamas Attacks. 
Less than a month after Hamas terrorists slaughtered 1,400 Israelis, citizens have applied for more gun permits than they have over the past three years combined.  It offers another example of civilians arming themselves in response to terrorist campaigns waged by governments and terrorist groups alike.

Israeli gun regulations have always been very strict compared to those common in the United States.  They don’t have a Second Amendment.  Gun ownership in Israel is not a right.  In the days and weeks after the Hamas attacks, the Israeli government wisely loosened up on their gun law restrictions.

It always seems that wherever they are, people put in new tornado sirens after the tornado, and dikes after the flood.  Had 150,000 citizens of Israel been armed before the attack, there would be far less than 1,400 people murdered.  Remember that Hamas and other radical groups are seeking out death to Americans.  That’s you and me!

The story of armed defiance has inspired Jews and others across the globe. It is one of the reasons, among many, an unprecedented number of Jewish Americans and other people, have sought out guns and training in the wake of the terrorist attacks an ocean away.

The terrorist Hamas campaign launched on October 7th have been compared to September 11th.  It has given people in Israel and around the world a new perspective on the fight they are in.  The armed resistance to the attack has opened many Israeli’s minds to owning and carrying firearms.

Maine Shooting Shows Authorities Failed the Public.  New revelations in the aftermath of the mass shooting in Maine provides growing evidence that authorities failed when they might have prevented the deadly attack.  It is reported that the killer was involuntarily committed to a mental hospital in July, and that the man’s family told police of their concerns about his mental state five months before the Lewiston shooting.

This case, like so many in the past, reveals a failure by local authorities to act on reliable information and utilize existing laws.  The situation in Maine is so bad that the authorities don’t want to talk about it anymore.

The constant calls for additional laws after such a tragedy, particularly when the government abdicated its responsibility, are misguided and serve no purpose, other than to expose the agenda of the gun prohibitionists, demonstrating that they only wish to pass laws for self-serving purposes.

Run. Hide. Fight.  In the wake of the Lewiston shooting, gun sales are surging. This is what we see happen following just about every mass shooting.  “We’re seeing the fear,” a gun store owner who’d opened his store in defiance of a shelter-in-place order and reported 500% more business said.  Some sellers reported an influx of customers who’d never purchased a gun.

Yes, people in Lewiston were scared.  If we’re going to see a mass shooting there, where else can it happen?  Yes, it can happen in your own hometown!

Sure, you can shelter in place all you want, but if someone, or several someones, with a gun wants to hurt you, a door is an impediment, not a shield. They’ll get through that and hurt you.  Many people are finally understanding this. Gun sales increase because the natural reaction to fear is to take steps to keep yourself safe from whatever that fear is.  The truth is that people buy guns because they’re not interested in being a victim. Plain and simple.

Once again, if you are in your car, on the street someplace, in your home, or out for a night on the town – if you are attacked, there is just you and your attacker. You are the only first responder. No one else is coming to help you. You have to defend yourself and your loved ones.

Last Week, it Was Reported That the Vista Group Has New Ownership which includes Federal ammunition, CCI ammunition, Spear ammunition, and 18 other outdoor segments. The new name of the group will be called Kinect Group. It is expected for changes to take place sometime in the near future.


November 9, 1989 – East German officials open the Berlin Wall.
The Berlin Wall was originally built in 1961 and had become a real eye-sore of the Cold War.  President Ronald Reagan, in the days when the United States had respect in the world, urged Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev to tear down the wall.  While the wall technically belonged to East Germany, the Soviet Union ran the show.

November 10, 1775 – United States Marine Corp was authorized by the Continental Congress.  The authorization stated that two battalions of Marines be raised for service as landing forces for the Continental Navy.  This date is recognized as the birthdate of the United States Marines.  Happy birthday to all Marines everywhere!

November 10, 1975 – The iron-ore ship, the SS Edmund Fitzgerald was sunk on this date in 1975, by a violent storm on Lake Superior.  The ship carried more than 26,000 tons of iron ore and was headed for Detroit Michigan.  Violent storms in the Midwest nick-named the “Witches of November” claimed the SS Edmund Fitzgerald.  The ship and its captain and crew were all lost.  The storm was so violent it tore the ship in half, and it sank in 530 feet of water.

The sinking of the SS Edmund Fitzgerald was memorialized in the song “Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald” by Gordon Lightfoot.

Previously on November 29, 1966, the “Witches of November” claimed 28 people in the sinking of the Daniel J. Morrell on Lake Huron.  I suggest you stay off the Great Lakes during November!

November 11, 1918 – Armistice Day hostilities of World War I are suspended.  The Great War, WWI, was the war to end all wars.  The problem was the treaties were so draconian against the German and Austrian people, that it caused WWII, and maybe WWIII.

November 13, 1982 – The Vietnam Memorial is dedicated.  The memorial is inscribed with the names of 57,939 Americans who died in the Vietnam War.  They are arranged by the date of their death, and not by their rank.  I have visited the Vietnam Memorial and looked up people I knew who died in Vietnam.  I have to say, looking at their names inscribed on the wall was a moving experience for me.

The designer of the memorial was Maya Lin, a Yale University student of architecture.  Maya was the daughter of Chinese immigrants, who was born in Ohio, in 1959.  The Vietnam Memorial is a fitting tribute to all those men and women who sacrificed so much.

November 15, 1777 – The Articles of Confederation are adopted and submitted to the States for approval.  Final approval would not come until March 1, 1781.  The Articles of Confederation reflected the reluctance of Americans to trust an over-powerful central government.  The Articles of Confederation were clumsy and did not meet the requirements of a successful Post-Revolutionary War government.  The Articles of Confederation would, however, serve as a test bed for what would become the Constitution of the United States.

Last Chance to Get Your Qualifying Pistol Pin!

If you need the target, you can cut it out of the Fall 2023 Illinois Shooter newspaper, or call the office and we will mail you one.


The Illinois State Rifle Association
is the home of marksmanship in Illinois. 
At the Range

Click here to view the entire calendar. All classes and events are open to the public & all range members, unless otherwise noted.  here

Range schedule this Week

11-11 – Illinois Concealed Carry Renewal Class – Range 11, Clubhouse
11-12 – ISRA Academy NRA Range Safety Officer Class – Clubhouse
11-14 – Air Gun Practice – Range 12 (Indoor Range)

The ISRA Range offers great classes and leagues
for shooting enthusiasts!
Interested in joining a league?
Just show up 15 – 30 minutes early.
Range memberships are available.
A day at the ISRA Range is always a  great day!

Thank you for being a member!


If you are not an ISRA member,  join today
Upcoming Meetings:
Upcoming Range Events:

Upcoming Gun Shows

While the gun show information shown in this email is believed to be correct – sometimes changes occur. This is provided for informational purposes only.

November 10 – 12  Indy 1500 Gun & Blade Show, IN State Fairgrounds, Indianapolis

November 12   Kane County Sportsman’s Show, Kane County Fairgrounds, St. Charles

November 19   McHenry County Gun Show, McHenry County Fairgrounds, Woodstock

November 25 – 26  Central IL Gun Collectors, Sangamon Co. Fairgrounds, New Berlin

November 25 – 26   Sauk Trail Gun Show, Bureau County Fairgrounds, Princeton

November 26   Lake County Gun & Sportsman Show, Antioch VFW, Antioch

December 2 – 3   Will County Gun Show, Will County Fairgrounds, Peotone

December 2 – 3   Chillicothe Sportsmen’s Gun & Knife­­­­, Chillicothe Sportsmen’s Club

December 9 – 10   Bloomington Gun & Knife Show, Interstate Center, Bloomington

December 9 – 10   Peoria Gun & Knife Show, Exposition Gardens, Peoria

December 10   Kane County Sportsman’s Show, Kane Co. Fairgrounds, St. Charles 

December 16 – 17   Kankakee Gun & Sportsman’s Show, Kankakee Co. Fairgrounds

December 16 – 17   ECA Hunting & Trade Shows, IL State Fairgrounds, Springfield

December 17   McHenry County Gun Show, McHenry Co. Fairgrounds, Woodstock

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“Ninety-eight percent of the people in this country are decent, hardworking, honest Americans. It’s the other lousy two percent that get all the publicity. But then, we elected them.”

Lily Tomlin

“The people who work against your gun rights are basically saying to you, “The right of the criminal to rip you off, rape and kill you shall not be infringed.” And they wonder why we’re a bit testy”

Editor of KABA LIBERTY ADVOCATE, Friday, July 30, 2001

“I declare to you that woman must not depend upon the protection of man, but must be taught to protect herself, and there I take my stand.”


“You may find me one day dead in a ditch somewhere. But by God, you’ll find me in a pile of brass.”

Tpr. M. Padgett

“Using inner city kids as your proof that guns and kids don’t mix, is like using an alcoholic to prove all people will abuse alcohol.”

Lori Broadhead

“How dare politicians continue to pass insane laws forcing good, law-abiding people to be defenseless and helpless.”

Ted Nugent

The said Constitution [shall] never be construed to authorize Congress to infringe or to prevent the people of the United States from keeping their own arms.”

Samuel Adams, Massachusetts' U.S. Constitution Ratification Convention, 1788

“One of the greatest delusions in the world is the hope that the evils in this world are to be cured by legislation.”

Thomas B. Reed (1886)

“No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms.”

Thomas Jefferson, Proposed Virginia Constitution (1776)

“Foolish liberals who are trying to read the Second Amendment out of the Constitution are courting disaster by encouraging others to use the same means to eliminate portions of the constitution THEY don’t like.”

Alan Dershowitz

“Every 13 seconds in America someone uses a gun to stop a crime.”

Sen. Larry Craig

“The AK-47 is not a device of aggression … I devised this machine-gun for the security of my country,”

Mikhail Kalashnikov, April 1997