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PICA is the 2023
Illinois Semi-Auto Ban
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PICA is the 2023
Illinois Semi-Auto Ban
The ISRA is hard at work advocating for Gun Owners every time the Legislature is in session. We spend a great deal of time and money carrying your opinions and defending your rights before our State Legislator.
Following is the summary of the proposed legislation that ISRA currently supports, opposes, or is actively monitoring, (bill status is consistently changing). You can click on any listed bill for more information.
Feel free to contact your state legislator and express your opinion on any proposed legislation.
Here is contact information for all Illinois Representatives serving in the 103rd General Assembly. The addresses & phone numbers for the district offices are provided, as well as those in Springfield. This information is from the Illinois General Assembly website and links to current info.
Remember, when you talk with your legislator’s assistant, please be courteous; they are there only to take messages and to tabulate the number of pro and anti-gun opinions.
Email: Some of you may look at this list and question its completeness if you don’t see an email address for your representative. Many of the legislators now list email addresses in this info. However, the current ISRA position is that email is not as effective as a phone call or snail mail in registering opinion with your legislators. You may want to send email, but please also follow that up with a phone call. If you’re not sure who your legislators are this session, you can look them up on-line.
For a link to all of the members of the Illinois General Assembly and their information click here.
Here is contact information for all Illinois Senators serving in the 103rd General Assembly. The addresses & phone numbers for the district offices are provided, as well as those in Springfield. This information is from the Illinois General Assembly website and links to current info.
If you’re not sure who your legislators are this session, you can look them up on-line. Remember, when you talk with your legislator’s assistant, please be courteous; they are there only to take messages and to tabulate the number of pro and anti-gun opinions.
Email: The current ISRA position is that email is not as effective as a phone call or snail mail in registering opinion with your legislators. You may want to send an email, but please also follow that up with a phone call.
Senate Members: For a link to all of the members of the Illinois General Assembly and their information click here.
The Illinois General Assembly is made up of 177 men and women with backgrounds that range from lawyers, realtors, school teachers, farmers, mayors, members of the military or full-time public servants.
No single legislator is an expert on the thousands of bills that pass across their desk every year. In fact, most legislators become experts on only a handful of subjects, be it the state budget, health care, agriculture, or local government.
The role of the ISRA lobbying team is to provide the expertise to these 177 men and women on the 2nd Amendment and related subjects.
As lobbyists we are educators as much as we are persuaders. Because of the wide variety of backgrounds of legislators, we spend hours daily educating legislators and staff on the issues important to the ISRA membership and the potential effect that various bill might have. We work to break down complicated issues into smaller understandable parts and provide accurate and timely information to these decision makers.
Our job requires us to review and analyze each of the 4,000-7,000 bills introduced each legislative session to determine the impact, if any, they might have on our interests.
We also review thousands of amendments to bills, always on the lookout for a bill that begins innocently as something we don’t care about only to be amended to restrict your 2nd Amendment rights.
In addition to reviewing, analyzing and responding to legislation, the ISRA lobbying team examines Administrative Rules that are proposed to implement laws. The ISRA lobbying team has spent countless tedious hours analyzing proposed Administrative Rules, meeting with legislators and staff on the Proposed Rules and preparing comments on the Rules.
While being a lobbyist is a daunting, costly, time-consuming task, it is imperative the ISRA provide this service to its members. As an ISRA member you can be assured that your Second Amendment rights are well represented in Springfield.