November 2, 2023
Don’t forget, roll your clock back an hour this coming Saturday night. At 2:00 AM local time, on Sunday, November 5, Daylight Savings time officially ends. We will gain an extra hour of sleep when we “fall back” to standard time. Now you can make up for that one hour of sleep you lost last spring.
Joint Statement on Upcoming Public Hearings. Recently, the Illinois State Police have announced three public hearings to explain the registration scheme of the recently enacted, so-called, “Assault Weapons Ban”. The three upcoming public hearings on the incredibly vague administrative rules surrounding Governor Pritzker’s unconstitutional firearms ban & registration scheme will give 2nd amendment rights advocates another opportunity to show how these rules do not align with recently decided court cases or even the legislative intent that was expressed during debate.
Make no mistake, the ISRA and the groups listed here are opposed to this unconstitutional ban on commonly used firearms and collectively we continue to fight the ban in Federal Court. In the interim, we must represent the interests of the millions of law-abiding firearm owners in Illinois. The vast majority are unaware that they are about to become criminals in the eyes of Governor Pritzker for failing to register their very common firearms. Many of these firearms look nothing like what some members of the public may consider to be an “assault weapon”, yet they are now banned.
The rules proposed are so confusing and vague that the ISRA and the other groups listed have received hundreds of phone calls weekly from firearm owners trying to make sense of the documents and explanations put forth by the Illinois State Police.
For these reasons, the ISRA, in conjunction with the Illinois Federation for Outdoor Resources, Federal Firearms Licensees of Illinois, Freedom’s Steel and others will be testifying at the three public hearings on these rules. It is our intent to get the Illinois State Police on record answering our detailed questions on specific cases where we think the law is extremely vague and potentially will make criminals out of law-abiding citizens.
We strongly encourage firearms owners from around Illinois to peacefully attend the meetings in person to demonstrate support for our organizations and opposition to this attempt at criminalizing legal gun ownership.
The hearings are scheduled for the following dates & times:
Thursday November 2 – 9:30a.m. Room D1, Stratton Office Building 401 Spring St, Springfield, IL 62704
Friday, November 3, 2023 – 9:30 a.m., Room C-600 of the Bilandic Building, 160 N. La Salle Street, Chicago, IL 60601
Monday, November 6, 2023 – 9:30 a.m., Caseyville Community Center, 909 South Main Street, Caseyville, IL 62232
More information on them can be found at
The Illinois State Rifle Association will be at every meeting, representing the interests of Illinois gun owners. If you would like to help the Illinois State Rifle Association and you are a member please donate, and if you are not a member, please join. You can go to the website, or call the office at 815-635-3198, between the hours of 8:30 am to 4:00 pm weekdays, to donate or join
Illinois State Rifle Association Presents Donald Trump, Jr., with a Lifetime Membership, as the Gun Organization Celebrates its 120th Anniversary.
On Friday, Illinois State Rifle Association Vice President Tony Clark presented Donald Trump Jr., son of the 45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump, with a complimentary lifetime membership.
Trump Jr. is an incredibly strong supporter of the 2nd Amendment, and last year he launched the 2nd Amendment Task Force – whose mission is to stand up against the radical left policies of the Biden Administration and “mobilize freedom-loving Americans to fight back.”
Founded in 1903, the ISRA is one of the oldest and most respected gun groups in the county and is celebrating its 120th anniversary this year.
Chicago Man Accused of Mass Shooting Has Lengthy Criminal History. Prosecutors in Cook County say a shooting at a Halloween party in Chicago’s Lawndale neighborhood that left 15 people injured over the weekend was committed by someone not legally allowed to possess a firearm.
48-year-old William Groves is now facing 15 counts of attempted murder, but it’s not the first time those charges have been laid against him. This habitual criminal has a record that is longer than both your arms and mine. Question is: “Why is he out of jail”! Authorities say in 2008 Groves was convicted for the same crime and sentenced to 13 years in prison, though his first felony conviction came as early as 1997.
Philadelphia Robber Shot and Killed by Armed Store Clerk. Philadelphia, one of the more crime-ridden cities in the U.S., is plagued by murder and robberies. The Happy Day Food Market seemed to be an excellent target for an armed robbery. The would-be robber should have investigated further, before he tried to rob the market. The clerk had already experienced one armed robbery this year. He pulled his gun, shooting and killing the would-be robber. No arrests, no jail time, no prison, no public expense – oh happy day!
Police Were Alerted to Lewiston Killer’s Threats Weeks Before Shooting. The more we learn about the man responsible for the murders of 18 people (and wounding of 13 more) in Lewiston, Maine, the more red flags and missed opportunities to intervene beforehand are being uncovered.
The killer put down that he had mental issues on the federal form when trying to purchase a suppressor. The gun store refused to sell him the suppressor. The only people who actually did the responsible thing were the people in the gun store. Most troubling is the fact that police across Maine had been alerted to his earlier threat to shoot up a military base, two months ago. It should be noted that the bowling alley was a gun free zone.
Government cannot be depended upon because it will always fail in these situations. The point is, all the tools to prevent this man from having firearms were there, no one used them, and once again some want to hold gun owners responsible.
Civilian Marksmanship Program Sales Update October 31, 2023.
Expert grade M1 Garand .30-06 rifles will feature a new, commercial-production stock set and a new commercial-production barrel chambered for .30-06 Springfield. Bore condition will be “as new”, and barrels will gauge “as new”. Ammunition is also available for these rifles.
Now available for mail order from CMP. Once they’re sold out, they will not accept any more orders. View details on the Expert Grand M1 Garand Rifles at Ordering information may be viewed at
November 2, 1771 – The U.S.S. Ranger under the command of John Paul Jones, sets sail from Portsmouth, New Hampshire headed to Brest, France. He would stop there before beginning raids on British warships in the first actions of its kind in the Revolutionary war.
November 3, 2014 – The One World Trade Center officially opens in New York on the site of the Twin Towers, also known as ground zero.
November 4, 1922 – The entrance to King Tut’s tomb is discovered. There were many tombs of Egyptian Pharoh’s in the Valley of the Kings. But all had been attacked by tomb raiders, taking gold, jewels, and valuable artifacts. King Tut’s tomb fortunately escaped all these raids.
November 5, 1941 – The Japanese high command issues the order to bomb Pearl Harbor. All of the pieces in WWII would soon fall into place.
November 6, 1869 – Rutgers beats Princeton 6-4 in the first college football game. Approximately 100 fans attended.
November 7, 1983 – The Hendricks family is found murdered in Bloomington, Illinois. They had all been hacked to death with an axe and a butcher knife. The father, David Hendricks called the Bloomington Police department to check on his family, but no-one answered. The next day the police and the neighbors searched the home and found the bodies of the family, the mother and 3 children. The father, David Hendricks was eventually convicted and sentenced to life in prison for the murders.
November 8, 1895 – German physicist Wilhelm Conrad Rontegen becomes the first person to observe x-rays. The discovery was accidental, nevertheless the discovery would go on to help millions of people dealing with medical issues.
Click here to view the entire calendar. All classes and events are open to the public & all range members, unless otherwise noted. here
11-04 – ISRA Steel Challenge – Range 8, 9, 10, 11 – 7:00-5:00
11-04 – ISRA Academy NRA Basic Pistol Class – Clubhouse, 8:00-5:00
11-04 – Range Work Day, 8:00-4:00
11-04 – Troop 1439 – Range 1, 2, 6, Pavilion – 8:00-5:00
11-05 – Bonfield Muzzle Loaders-Black Powder – Clubhouse 12:00-2:00
11-05 – ISRA 3Gun – Range 8, 9, 10, 11 – 7:00-2:00
11-07 – Air Gun Practice – Range 12 (Indoor Range) – 5:00-8:00
The ISRA Range offers great classes and leagues
for shooting enthusiasts!
Interested in joining a league?
Just show up 15 – 30 minutes early.
Range memberships are available.
A day at the ISRA Range is always a great day!
Thank you for being a member!
If you are not an ISRA member, join today
Upcoming Meetings:
Upcoming Range Events:
While the gun show information shown in this email is believed to be correct – sometimes changes occur. This is provided for informational purposes only.
November 4 – 5 Decatur Gun & Knife Show, Decatur Conference Center, Decatur
November 4 – 5 ECA Hunting & Trade Shows, Belle-Clair Fairgrounds, Belleville
November 4 – 5 Kankakee Gun & Sportsman’s Show, Kankakee County Fairgrounds, Kankakee
November 12 Kane County Sportsman’s Show, Kane County Fairgrounds, St. Charles
November 19 McHenry County Gun Show, McHenry County Fairgrounds, Woodstock
November 25 – 26 Central IL Gun Collectors Association, Sangamon Co. Fairgrounds, New Berlin
November 25 – 26 Sauk Trail Gun Show, Bureau County Fairgrounds, Princeton
November 26 Lake County Gun & Sportsman Show, Antioch VFW, Antioch
December 2 – 3 Will County Gun Show, Will County Fairgrounds, Peotone
December 2 – 3 Chillicothe Sportsmen’s Club Gun & Knife Show, Chillicothe Sportsmen’s Club
December 9 – 10 Bloomington Gun & Knife Show, Interstate Center, Bloomington
December 9 – 10 Peoria Gun & Knife Show, Exposition Gardens, Peoria
December 10 Kane County Sportsman’s Show, Kane County Fairgrounds, St. Charles
December 16 – 17 Kankakee Gun & Sportsman’s Show, Kankakee County Fairgrounds
December 16 – 17 ECA Hunting & Trade Shows, Illinois State Fairgrounds, Springfield
December 17 McHenry County Gun Show, McHenry County Fairgrounds, Woodstock