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Thursday Bulletin – July 20, 2023

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Thursday Bulletin – July 20, 2023

July 20, 2023

Executive Director’s Message

Richard Pearson


I am here at the NRA National Matches at Camp Atterbury, Indiana.  I am coach for the ISRA Women’s Pistol Team.  We have not shot yet, so it will be next week before I report our results.
The High Power Rifle Championships are under way.  As usual, the ISRA is shining.  ISRA shooter, Mike James, was High Grand Senior in the Service Rifle match, and took First in the Distinguished Marksman Match, firing an astounding 493 out of 500 possible points.  The Match is fired at 200, 300 and 600 yards.

The ISRA Service Rifle teams took both First and Second place in the Service Rifle Team Match.   As I have said before, the ISRA is the home of Marksmanship in Illinois, and maybe the

Deb Hayden has won High Grand Senior in the Preliminary Pistol Match.

ISRA Blue has taken the High Association Award in the Preliminary Team Match.


Remember the Eddie Eagle program the NRA came out with many years ago?  Well, a recent study shows that it works.  At Ohio State, 226 kids ages 8 to 12 were randomly sorted into two groups.  One group watched a one-minute video on gun safety.  The video was based on the StopDon’t Touchrun away – go tell an adultif they found a gun.  The moniker of the NRA who won a National Safety Council award for the program, by the way.  The NRA did not get credit for it, of course.  The other group watched a video on car safety.

The groups were divided up.  They were put into rooms with two disabled 9mm’s in a drawer.  The kids of course found the guns.  They were all videoed.  Of the kids that had seen the simple, one minute safety video, 28% more of them did not touch the guns.  Of those who did touch the gun, 20% less of them pulled the trigger.  That was just after a one time, one minute video.  The results would have been astounding if they had the whole Eddie Eagle Program.

When you hide anything from kids, it becomes a mystery to them.  They will want to find out about it, and they will – probably the wrong way.

The State of Delaware passed an assault weapons ban, but allowed people who had them, to keep them.  Something like we have currently here in Illinois. Now they have gone back on their word, and so-called “assault weapons” are banned.  I imagine they will be turned in, or confiscation will start.  All governments will go back on their word.  That is why we have a constitution.  This matter is in court.  Right now, 20 Attorneys General are supporting the lawsuit.   More as I get it.


Another concealed carry permit holder has saved his own life.  In Philadelphia, (it’s not the end of the world but you can see it from there), a 21 year old pizza delivery driver was targeted as the next victim of a couple carjackers and robbers.  About midnight, the driver pulled up in front of an apartment complex with a delivery, which was probably a set up from the start.  Two men, one or both were armed, jumped in the driver’s car in both the front and back seat.  They demanded money and any apps on his phone that they could use to get money.  The driver jumped out of his car and drew his firearm.  A short gun fight ensued, with the driver wounding one of the men.  The wounded robber made it about 300 feet before he collapsed.  The other guy got away.  The driver was not hurt.

There isn’t anyone who is going to help you in these situations.  You have to help yourself and be ready to help yourself.  No knight on a snorting charger, or person in a blue uniform is there or could even get there if they wanted to.  You are on your own.  Get a concealed carry license and get more training after that.


Our 120th Anniversary Coin is available for $25, while they last. Buy our commemorative, collector’s coin and be entered in the raffle. Your contribution helps fund the many activities of the ISRA. Call the office at (815) 635-3198, or email: to place your order today!



July 20, 1948

President Harry Truman institutes the draft.  By the end of WWII, the United States had more than 16 million men and women who had served in the U.S. Military.  The United States was in too big of a hurry to demobilize.  In 1948, the U.S. Military had dropped to only 550,000 personnel.  We had made the same mistake we did after WWI.

The Soviet Union was threatening the United States, and the Cold War looked like it might turn into a hot war at any time.  Within two months, more than 10 million men had registered for the draft.  When war did break out on the Korean Peninsula, those who registered did not have time to train.  When will we ever learn?

July 20, 1969

Neil Armstrong walks on the moon.

July 21, 1861

The First Battle of Bull Run

Union General McDowell, with 34,000 poorly trained troops and some militia, was about to face 29,000 Confederate soldiers under command of General Beauregard, J.E.B. Stuart and Thomas Jackson.  It was in this battle that Jackson earned the nickname “Stonewall”, for his fierce refusal to retreat in the face of Union attacks.  He led from the front and rallied his troops.

The First Battle of Bull Run sent a message to the over-confident “Yankees”, that “Southern Insurrection” was no joke, and that this was going to be a long, and tough war.

July 22, 1934

John Dillinger’s criminal career comes to an end, in front of the Biograph Theater, in Chicago, when he is gunned down by the G-Men.  The movie he went to see with “The Lady in Red” was “Manhattan Melodrama”, starring Clark Gable, Dick Powell and Myrna Loy.

July 23, 1885

Former President General Ulysses S. Grant dies.

July 23, 1949

The British De Havilland Comet become the first Jet Liner.

July 24, 1915

The Western Electric Companies annual company picnic turns into a disaster.  The Chicago company held an annual company picnic as a reward for their employees.  It took five cruise steamers to hold the 7300 employees.  One of those was the steamer, Eastland.  The ship had a troubled past, because of a poor design. It was supposed to have been refitted, to make it safer and haul more passengers.  When 2500 employees all went to one side of the ship, it rolled over killing about 850 people.

July 25, 1898

United States forces invade Puerto Rico during the Spanish American war.

July 26, 1775

Congress establishes the Post Office, naming Benjamin Franklin as the first Postmaster General.  Franklin had been a Postmaster General under the British and had made many improvements to the colonial postal system.  He was fired by the British in 1774, because of his freedom-loving leanings.

July 28, 1914

Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia.  World War I is about to start. The world will change forever.


At the Range

All classes and events are open to the public & all range members, unless otherwise noted.

MAG 40 class coming up October 5, 6, 7 and 8.   Massad Ayoob will be back teaching his class.

A must-have class, for every person concerned about self-defense; concealed carry license holders; and concealed carry instructors.  Please click here for details on how to sign up. 

Don’t wait to sign up – it’ll fill up fast!

ISRA Smallbore & F-Class Rifle League – Range 5 – 2:00-Dusk – July 20

Women’s Team Pistol Practice – Range 1 – 4:00-7:00 – July 20

MTW Consulting LLC Basic Pistol Class – Clubhouse & Range 8 – 8:00-5:00 – July 22 

761st Gun Club NRA Basic Rifle Class – Range 5 & Pavilion – 9:00-4:00 – July 22

ISRA Bullseye Match – Range 1 & 2 Until Noon; Range 2 Until Finished – July 23

2 Gun Drills Rifle/Pistol – Range 4 – 8:30-5:30 – July 23

761st Gun Club NRA Basic Shotgun Class – Clubhouse & Range 6 – 9:00-5:00 – July 23

Illinois CCL Qualification – Range 9 – 1:00-5:00 – July 23

Vintage Military Rifle League – Range 5 – 3:00-5:00 – July 24

Tuesday Night Irregular Rifles – Range 3 & Pavilion – 11:30-Dusk – July 25

Benchrest League – Range 4 – 8:00-Dusk – July 26

F-Class Rifle League – Range 3 – 8:00-5:00 – July 26

Women’s Team Pistol Practice – Range 1 – 4:00-7:00 – Resumes Aug. 2

Paper Steel League – Range 11 – 5:00-Dusk – July 26

The ISRA Range offers great classes and leagues,

for shooting enthusiasts!

Interested in joining a league?  Just show up 15 – 30 minutes early.

Range memberships are available.


A day at the ISRA Range is always a great day!

Thank you for being a member!

If you are not an ISRA member,  join today!



Upcoming Meetings:

Upcoming Range Events:

Upcoming Gun Shows

While the gun show information shown in this email is believed to be accurate – sometimes changes occur. This is provided for informational purposes only.

August 4 – 5 Prairie State Longrifle Show, Days Inn, Princeton

August 12 – 13 Bloomington Gun & Knife Show, Interstate Center, Bloomington

August 26 – 27 Belleville Gun & Knife Show, Belle-Clair Fairgrounds, Belleville

September 16-17 Kankakee Gun & Sportsman’s Show, Kankakee County Fairgrounds

September 17 McHenry County Gun Show, McHenry County Fairgrounds, Woodstock

September 23 National Civil War and Collector Arms Show, DuPage County Fairgrounds, Wheaton

September 23 Chillicothe Sportsmen’s Club Gun & Knife Show, Chillicothe Sportsmen’s Club House, Chillicothe

September 30 – October 1 Central Illinois Gun Collectors Association Sangamon County Fairgrounds, New Berlin

October 8 Kane County Sportsman’s Show, Kane County Fairgrounds, St. Charles 

October 22 McHenry County Gun Show, McHenry County Fairgrounds, Woodstock

October 28 – 29 Sauk Trail Gun Show, Bureau County Fairgrounds, Princeton

November 4 – 5 Decatur Gun & Knife Show, Decatur Conference Center, Decatur

November 4 – 5 ECA Hunting & Trade Shows, Belle-Clair Fairgrounds, Belleville

November 4 – 5 Kankakee Gun & Sportsman’s Show, Kankakee County Fairgrounds

November 12 Kane County Sportsman’s Show, Kane County Fairgrounds, St. Charles

November 19 McHenry County Gun Show, McHenry County Fairgrounds, Woodstock

“Ninety-eight percent of the people in this country are decent, hardworking, honest Americans. It’s the other lousy two percent that get all the publicity. But then, we elected them.”

Lily Tomlin

“The people who work against your gun rights are basically saying to you, “The right of the criminal to rip you off, rape and kill you shall not be infringed.” And they wonder why we’re a bit testy”

Editor of KABA LIBERTY ADVOCATE, Friday, July 30, 2001

“I declare to you that woman must not depend upon the protection of man, but must be taught to protect herself, and there I take my stand.”


“You may find me one day dead in a ditch somewhere. But by God, you’ll find me in a pile of brass.”

Tpr. M. Padgett

“Using inner city kids as your proof that guns and kids don’t mix, is like using an alcoholic to prove all people will abuse alcohol.”

Lori Broadhead

“How dare politicians continue to pass insane laws forcing good, law-abiding people to be defenseless and helpless.”

Ted Nugent

The said Constitution [shall] never be construed to authorize Congress to infringe or to prevent the people of the United States from keeping their own arms.”

Samuel Adams, Massachusetts' U.S. Constitution Ratification Convention, 1788

“One of the greatest delusions in the world is the hope that the evils in this world are to be cured by legislation.”

Thomas B. Reed (1886)

“No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms.”

Thomas Jefferson, Proposed Virginia Constitution (1776)

“Foolish liberals who are trying to read the Second Amendment out of the Constitution are courting disaster by encouraging others to use the same means to eliminate portions of the constitution THEY don’t like.”

Alan Dershowitz

“Every 13 seconds in America someone uses a gun to stop a crime.”

Sen. Larry Craig

“The AK-47 is not a device of aggression … I devised this machine-gun for the security of my country,”

Mikhail Kalashnikov, April 1997