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Thursday Bulletin – January 2, 2025

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Thursday Bulletin – January 2, 2025

January 2, 2025

Executive Director’s Message
Richard Pearson

Welcome to 2025!
We wish our members
a safe, happy and prosperous New Year!

Five New Year’s Resolutions for Gun Owners

  1.  I resolve, if I’m not a member of the Illinois State Rifle Association, I’ll join today.
  2.  I resolve, if I am a member of the Illinois State Rifle Association, I will recruit one new member.
  3.  I resolve to go to IGOLD on May 14.
  4.  I resolve to make time to take someone shooting for the first time.
  5.  I resolve to buy an introductory class for a new shooter.


NOTICE to all ISRA Members


We have had tremendous problems with the mail in recent months, not being delivered. There are those that we have mailed Membership Renewal notices and they never received them.  If your membership has expired or is close to expiring, please go online to our website, , or call the ISRA offices at  815-635-3198 to renew.  Thank you!


Legislative Update

We are still watching several bills that will probably come up in lame duck session.  The lame duck session will start January 4 and run to January 8 at noon. The new legislature will also be seated January 8 at noon.  This is an unusually long time for a lame duck session.  There is plenty of mischief that can be done and we are prepard for a lot of action.  Aside from our bills, which are listed below, my guess is they are going to try and do as much damage to President-Elect Trump’s agenda as possible.

HB5888 –  Lost and Stolen Firearms

HB5891 and SB3971  –  Safe Storage of Firearms

SB2633 “Karina’s Law” –  This is a push for gun confiscation by the police.

These bill numbers could change, so be careful about them.

Litigation Update

The ISRA lawsuit – Harrel v Raoul, has been combined with the National Shooting Sports Foundation – and is now known as Barnett v Raoul – and it’s currently before the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals. On December 5th, the Seventh Circuit ruled in favor of the State of Illinois and extended the stay that was issued by Federal District Court Judge Stephen McGlynn.

The stay will be in effect until the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals hears the case and makes a decision.  This means the PICA is still fully in effect and we are at the mercy of the Seventh Circuit.

Presently, we have not received a briefing schedule.  And while we hope to move this case along as quickly as possible, the reality is that it could be another year or so. But whatever the time frame – we will not stop working to advance our position, even if that means petitioning the Supreme Court of the United States.

Rest assured, the ISRA will not back down until our 2nd Amendment rights are restored in Illinois – no matter how much it costs or how much time it takes. We won’t back down.


Three Cheers For The Good Guy

The reason you must be prepared to defend yourself or others at all times is you never know when something might happen. Such a situation happened on Christmas Eve day in Tennessee.  A family was finishing their shopping at a local Walmart when 19 year old Labron Gibson began brandishing a firearm in the store.  There was no provocation for Gibson’s threatening behavior.  It was then that a concealed carry holder drew his firearm, shooting Gibson several times and ending the threat.

Gibson is in the hospital and is expected to recover. Had the law abiding citizen not been armed, it certainly could have ended as a tragic event.  It would have been all over the news.  Since the good guy with a gun prevailed, this is probably the last you will ever hear of it…so three cheers to you, friend.


Come Visit The New ISRA Online Store


We are pleased to announce that the ISRA online store is now open!  If you go to the ISRA website, we have a variety of ISRA items that you can purchase. Show your colors proudly by purchasing your ISRA items today!

Visit the ISRA Online Store HERE

In addition to merchandise, the ISRA is also offering GIFT CERTIFICATES!  You can purchase these to put toward a training class offered by the ISRA.  Or, of course, you can give an ISRA Membership to the favorite people in your life!  Recipients will get all kinds of good information, discounts on ISRA classes, opportunities to learn and challenge themselves, and both you and they will be helping to secure the Second Amendment, all at the same time!  It is a great deal and a wonderful gift for any occasion!  Call the ISRA office at   815-635-3198 or visit for more info.

Important Announcement – IGOLD

The 2025 IGOLD date has been moved to May 14, 2025.  This is due to a change in the legislative calendar.  I am looking forward to seeing you there.



Henry 1000 Man Shoot Rifle Raffle


The ISRA will be raffling off rifle #873 out of 1000 Henry Silver Boy rifles. The paperwork is provided to authenticate this rifle was used in the 1,000-man shoot, and comes with its original case.  The winning ticket will be drawn March 31, 2025.  This raffle will also go to fund youth shooting programs, so please join in for a chance to win this wonderful firearm!
Purchase Tickets for the Henry 1000 HERE


Education & Training @ ISRA Range, Bonfield, IL.

ISRA Academy is continuing to offer CCL renewals each month –

1/06/2025  (Monday) 9:00am – 12:00pm  / Range 11 & Clubhouse – Register HERE

1/30/2025 (Thursday)  1:00pm – 4:00pm  / Range 11 & Clubhouse – Register HERE

2/1/2025  (Saturday) 9:00am – 12:00pm  / Range 11 & Clubhouse  –  Register HERE


CCL Class – 

1/18/2025 (Saturday)  8:30am – 5:00pm  / Range 11 & Clubhouse – Register HERE

1/19/2025 (Sunday)  8:30pm – 5:00pm  / Range 11 & Clubhouse – Register HERE


NRA Basic Pistol Instructor Couse

1/11/2025 (Saturday) 8:30am – 6:00pm  /  Range 11 & Clubhouse – Register HERE

1/12/2025 (Sunday)  8:30am – 6:00pm  / Range 11 & Clubhouse – Register HERE


Glock Armorer Course

2/11/2025 (Tuesday)  8:00am – 5:00pm  / Clubhouse –  Register HERE


Glock Operator Course – 

2/12/2025 (Wednesday)   8:00am – 5:00pm  / Range 11 –  Register HERE

2/13/2025 (Thursday)   8:00am – 5:00pm  / Range 11 –  Register HERE


Pistol Coaching Class / Level 1 – 

3/22/2025 (Saturday)  8:30am – 4:30pm  / Range 1 & Clubhouse – Register HERE

3/23/2025 (Sunday)  8:30am – 4:30pm  / Range 1 & Clubhouse – Register HERE


Pistol Optics Principles with Brian Hill of “The Complete Combatant” –

4/12/2025 (Saturday) 9:00am – 6:00pm  /  Range 11 & Clubhouse – Register HERE

4/13/2025 (Sunday)  9:00am – 6:00pm  / Range 11 & Clubhouse – Register HERE


*** Please contact for any training or class questions and check the ISRA Range Calendar HERE for links to dates, times, descriptions of ISRA activities and events.



To Join the ISRA, Go To: 


The Illinois State Rifle Association
is the home of marksmanship in Illinois. 

January 3, 1777 – General George Washington’s troops win the Battle of Princeton, depriving Cornwallis and the other British generals of needed supplies to press the British troops against Washington.

January 3, 1938 – President Franklin Roosevelt founded the March of Dimes.  Franklin Roosevelt was a victim of polio.  The March of Dimes was developed to procure funds for research to end this crippling disease that devastated America.

I remember people having polio when I was growing up.  It was devastating to children and their families.  At basketball games, the cheerleaders would stretch bed sheets between them to catch dimes thrown from patrons in the stands as donations toward the cause.  In movie theaters, cans were passed around crowd to collect their dime contributions. These donations were used for research to find a cure, which was eventually realized in 1953 when Dr. Jonas Salk discovered a vaccine.  Again, I remember lining up at school to receive a sugar cube with a drop of red substance, the polio vaccine, on it.  My mother, as well as all of my classmates’ mothers, were all so grateful when we received it.


January 4, 1847 – Samuel Colt sells his first 1000 guns to the United States government.  They were 44 caliber revolvers and were accurate up to 40 yards.  This contract saved Samuel Colt and his company.

January 5, 1933 – Construction on the Golden Gate Bridge begins.  The idea of a bridge went back as far as 1869.  San Francisco city engineer, Michael O’Shaughnessy, looked for help from other bridge engineers to construct a feasible design and construction plan. A Chicago-bred engineer by the name of Joseph Strauss said he could make it happen.  Between the two of them, they are credited for building the finished Golden Gate Bridge which opened May 27, 1937.

January 6, 1917 – Theodore Roosevelt, the 26th President of the United States, dies at Sangamore Hill.  Sangamore Hill was the private residence of the Roosevelt family which overlooked Long Island Sound.

Theodore Roosevelt was responsible for founding the Illinois State Rifle Association.

An avid and energetic hunter and explorer, Roosevelt had, unfortunately, been exposed to many tropical diseases over the years which shortened his life.  He lived a strenuous life, insisting to exercise by participating in boxing matches, even as President.  He would frequently box with athletes from the Navy, one of which gave him a black eye.

Theodore Roosevelt was pivotal in shaping the United States in the early 20th Century.  He could see that the U.S. was on it’s way to becoming an important international power and was known for his governing style which was illustrated by his famous quotation – “Speak softly and carry a big stick”.  This philosophy is still timely and true today.


January 6, 1838 – Samuel F.B. Morris demonstrated his idea for the telegraph.  It would revolutionize communication not only in the U.S., but around the world.


January 7, 1789 – Congress creates the Electoral College.


January 8, 1815 – The Battle of New Orleans.  In the War of 1812, the British had humiliated the Americans by burning Washington, the White House, attacking trade routes and preparing to attack New Orleans, the gateway to the American West, by sea.  New Orleans was in a panic.

On December 2, 1814, General Andrew Jackson and two aides arrived in New Orleans.  He immediately announced that he would defend the city or die in the process. Jackson hated the British because his family had been slain by them and also, when he was 12 years old, a British officer cut him with his sword for refusing to shine his boots.

Jackson declared martial law and immediately enlisted the help of the pirate, John Lafette.  Jackson assembled an army of frontier riflemen, pirates, Indians and slaves.

The British, in the meantime, brought in reinforcements and manned the high ground overlooking the city of New Orleans while Jackson and his men built a fortified wall of mud and wood to defend against the British attack.

After two British assaults on Jackson’s position, the British commander and 2000 of his troops lay dead with many more wounded. American losses were only 8 killed and 13 wounded.  One British sergeant looking over the dead British troops noted that many of them were shot in the forehead, right between the eyes.  He also noted that one soldier had been shot twice, once above each eye. Keen American marksmanship had done it’s job and, while the Battle of New Orleans technically happened after the end of hostilities, the Europeans took note of the stunning British defeat…the same British army that had once defeated Napoleon.


Other Events & Gun Shows

While the gun show information shown in this email is believed to be accurate, sometimes changes occur. This is provided for informational purposes only.
If your club or organization is holding a gun show, event or class, let us know the details, and we’d be happy to post it in our Weekly Range Schedule.

Jan 4 – Jan 5, 2025   **CANCELLED**  Decatur Gun & Knife Show, Decatur Conference Center & Hotel, Decatur, IL

Jan 12, 2025  Kane County Sportsman’s Show, Kane County Fairgrounds, St. Charles, IL

Jan 18 – Jan 19, 2025   Kankakee Gun & Sportsman’s Show, Kankakee Co. Fairgrounds, Kankakee, IL.

Jan 25 – Jan 26, 2025   Sauk Trail Gun Show, Bureau County Fairgrounds, Princeton, IL.

Feb 1 – Feb 2, 2025   Bloomington Gun & Knife Show, Interstate Center, Bloomington, IL.

Feb 8 – Feb 9, 2025   Quad Cities Gun Show, QCCA Expo Center, Rock Island, IL.

Feb 9, 2025   Kane County Sportsman’s Show, Kane County Fairgrounds, St. Charles, IL.

Feb 15 – Feb 16, 2025   Central Illinois Gun Collectors New Berlin Gun Show, Sangamon County Fairgrounds, New Berlin, IL.

Mar 1 – Mar 2, 2025   Kankakee Gun & Sportsman’s Show, Kankakee Co. Fairgrounds, Kankakee, IL.

Mar 7 – Mar 8, 2025   Plainfield Frontiersman Show, Sullivan American Legion, Sullivan, IL.

Mar 9, 2025  Kane County Sportsman’s Show, Kane County Fairgrounds, St. Charles, IL.

Mar 29 – Mar 30, 2025   Sauk Trail Gun Show, Bureau County Fairgrounds, Princeton, IL.

April 13, 2025  Kane County Sportsman’s Show, Kane County Fairgrounds, St. Charles, IL.

ISRA Grassroots Monthly Meetings
Come and meet fellow activists and learn the latest on protecting our Second Amendment Rights!

East Central Illinois – 3rd Thurs – Clifton Sportsman’s Club, 3106 US-45 #52, Clifton, IL; Doors open 6pm; Meeting 7pm – 8pm

Northwest Suburban – 3rd Tues – Golden Corral, 1591 S. Randall Rd., Algonquin, IL; Doors open 6pm; Meeting 7pm – 8pm

South Suburban/Cook County – 2nd Thurs – Kenootz Pizza, 4659 147th St., Midlothian, IL; Doors open 6:30pm; Meeting 7pm – 8pm

Will County – 3rd Wed – Silver Dollar Restaurant, 422 E. Mississippi Ave., Elwood, IL; Doors open 6pm; Meeting 7pm – 8pm

Stand Strong &
Thank you for being a member!


If you are not an ISRA member,  join today
Upcoming Meetings:
Upcoming Range Events:


“Ninety-eight percent of the people in this country are decent, hardworking, honest Americans. It’s the other lousy two percent that get all the publicity. But then, we elected them.”

Lily Tomlin

“The people who work against your gun rights are basically saying to you, “The right of the criminal to rip you off, rape and kill you shall not be infringed.” And they wonder why we’re a bit testy”

Editor of KABA LIBERTY ADVOCATE, Friday, July 30, 2001

“I declare to you that woman must not depend upon the protection of man, but must be taught to protect herself, and there I take my stand.”


“You may find me one day dead in a ditch somewhere. But by God, you’ll find me in a pile of brass.”

Tpr. M. Padgett

“Using inner city kids as your proof that guns and kids don’t mix, is like using an alcoholic to prove all people will abuse alcohol.”

Lori Broadhead

“How dare politicians continue to pass insane laws forcing good, law-abiding people to be defenseless and helpless.”

Ted Nugent

The said Constitution [shall] never be construed to authorize Congress to infringe or to prevent the people of the United States from keeping their own arms.”

Samuel Adams, Massachusetts' U.S. Constitution Ratification Convention, 1788

“One of the greatest delusions in the world is the hope that the evils in this world are to be cured by legislation.”

Thomas B. Reed (1886)

“No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms.”

Thomas Jefferson, Proposed Virginia Constitution (1776)

“Foolish liberals who are trying to read the Second Amendment out of the Constitution are courting disaster by encouraging others to use the same means to eliminate portions of the constitution THEY don’t like.”

Alan Dershowitz

“Every 13 seconds in America someone uses a gun to stop a crime.”

Sen. Larry Craig

“The AK-47 is not a device of aggression … I devised this machine-gun for the security of my country,”

Mikhail Kalashnikov, April 1997