The ISRA Junior High-power Program is dedicated to respect for and safe handling of firearms, while instilling patriotism and discipline in our youth participants. Our objective is to:
- Grow the sport of High-power Rifle competition by preparing juniors to be fully developed competitors that will take responsibility for passing on their skills to the next generation of juniors.
- Represent the Illinois State Rifle Association in individual and team matches at state, regional, and national matches.
- Participate in matches listed in the ISRA High-power Schedule (
The ISRA Junior High-power Team, known as the Hard Dogs, has a long history of outstanding results in high-power competition. Several national championships have been won by the Hard Dogs. Many past Hard Dogs have excelled in college and in life. Being a member of the team is as much about building character, and learning responsibility, as it is about gaining marksmanship skills.
The team members come from all parts of Illinois. Team members range in age from 12 through age 20. With safety being number one, the lower age limit is dependent upon the junior exhibiting the physical and mental ability to safely handle an AR-15 rifle.
Experienced adult competitors provide coaching throughout the season working with the individual members and providing team clinics. The Hard Dogs have established a strong group of young competitors that with continued development will soon be a force to be reckoned with in the sport of high-power. The team continues to recruit and has the resources to take on and train additional youth from across the state. If you have a young man or woman aged 12-20 that is interested in learning more about the ISRA High-power Program, please contact us at
You can follow the Hard Dogs on Facebook by joining our group at Illinois Hard Dogs.